ادامه کتب لاتین ( شهرسازی)




The death & life of great American cities

Jacobs,Jane, 1916-

R 307 .760973D 17 J 1989

Design of Cities

Bacon, Edmund.N.C

R 711 .4B 128 D 1995

The design of public places


R 711 .4U 621 D 2001

Design of Urban Space

ÏÑ ãÑßÒ ÇÓäÇÏ ãíÈÇÔÏ .Madanipour,Ali

R 711 .4M 178 D 1996

Designing Cities


R 711 .4D 36 Z 1999

Designing the City

Frey,Hildebrand,1940 -

R 307 .1'216F 893 D 1999

Dimensions of Sustainability


R 690 .21D 425 S 1999

Eco urbanismo,Entornos Humanos sostenibles:60 proyectos


R 711 E 894 R 1998

Ecohouse - a design guide


R 680 .837E 628 R 2001